How it started …

From a young age I have always adored reading and creative writing, however, I didn’t begin experimenting with poetry until my early twenties. On a backpacking trip overseas, I was on a bus traveling between England and Scotland. I passed a cottage that was left to ruin by the sea and there was something so undeniably magical about it that I desperately felt the need to capture it. What started as an extension of personal journaling, formed the free-verse that became was later honed into my poetic voice. Those thoughts on that lost cottage later formed my first poem ‘Found’.

My poetry focuses on the beautiful and sometimes overlooked details of life, capturing small moments that forge the tapestry of everyday existence. I combine the universal experiences of relationships with elements of nature, particularly those with a soft or restful undertone, such as abandoned man-made spaces being reclaimed by the wild. The inspiration for my poetry comes largely from personal experience, including the people and places around me.

In 2020 I decided to share my work with the public by launching my Instagram account, originally named Confessions of a Lilly (Lilly being my childhood nickname). 3 years later, the account now hosts over 7,000 followers with a monthly reach of over 16,000 social media users. My work has been highlighted on over 200 profiles, and my debut Collection Spilled Ink & Coffee Stains, released in March of 2024, received a 5-star review from Readers’ Favorite, & commendations from the US Review of Books & Purple Dragonfly Book Awards.

I share my writing in the hope that it supports, connects and empowers others.

Why M.K. Standby?

In 1944, my great-grandfather penned a series of short stories for young adults. He worked as a stockman in rural Queensland, and began writing while serving in World War Two. Heavily restricted by the boundaries of censorship, he chose to protect his identity using a pseudonym that originated from his time on the warships - the common order ‘Standby’.

When selecting my own nom de plume, I felt that the best way to truly reflect myself as an author was to honour the man whose writing legacy invariably shaped my own - Standby. With the addition of my initials, M.K., I began to develop my own written voice.